Running NERs on 8.12


Active Member

I am facing a weird problem. I have created an NER in 8.12. Had set the mode to 2 (client/server both). It did not run. I had to set it back to client only mode for running the same. Next we had built a server package for the same and changed the mode to client/server both. Later I was aksed to make some other changes to this NER. On doing that I was not able to run the same thru some interactive application. It was always picking up the server code which is the old one. Do we need to build it again on server before we can test it locally thru some interactive application. It is i believe always pointing to the server code.
My guess is that you need to change your OCM mappings when you test. If it really is behaving as if the new code weren't there. Then you must be somehow mapped to run your business functions on the logic server, something like:

DV812 ... DEFAULT ... BSFN ... <enterprise server> - Logic ... *PUBLIC ... AV

You need to change it to point to LOCAL instead of "Logic". Or just go ahead and build it to the server.