MRP - Forecast Consumption not working


My MRP is giving me Messages to ORder and Exedite items that we shipped. For ecxample, received Forecast on Sunday for 2000, shipped 1000 Monday but MRP continues to call for 2000 following MRP re-generation. Inclusion rules OK, Forecats Periods OK.
You might already set it, but I'm asking:
Have you set the parameter in processing options of R3482?

Tab: Forecasting
Parameter: Forecast Consumption Logic.

Set it 1 or 2
Check Planning fence and planning fence rule. The
fence must be beyond the horizon. I presume that you
have the Forecasting consumption logic activated
through the processing option of R3482.

I think its all setup OK, and the processing option is set for Forecast Consumption. Doe the "Date Patterns" setup have anything to do with this? And do the Date Patterns have to have ending periods that match FC periods? How does Forecast COnsumption get associate with any particular Date Pattern Code?
Can you advise on how to check the Fence and Rule? We are using the Demand Scheduling Module and there are Planning Fences and Rules there.
This is driving me crazy but by following other threads on a similar subject I'm starting to understand. You can probably tell I'm something of a novice at this.
We are using EDI Demand scheduling. Here is another example of the problem I am seeing.

6/24 Forecast Demand 1344 - OnHand Qty=1176
6/25 Shipped 672
6/28 Shipped 672

My Past Due (2) ATP record right now (6/28) shows
SO=672 (todays SO)

ATP Record 6/29 Shows

Being an automotive supplier we have a 2 week shutdown (maybe the gap is affecting us) but we have a WO suggest for 1344 week 7/20. This is 672 more than we need and is due I think to the shipment on 6/25 not being reflected by Forecast Consumption.

In the Demand Schedulign setup there are Forecast Schedule setups, that seem to be different to the way MRP is setup- our ATP for example is always referencing end of week but our Planning demand is always for Mondays. Is this why Forecast Consumption is missing that Monday Shipment 6/25 ?