WO Routing (F3112) Data Corruption



Legendary Poster
I've just logged a call with PeopleSoft Support about data corruption in our WO Routing (F3112) table. If you create a WO, attach Parts List and Routings, and then start charging time via Hours & Quantities, you will see the following data corruption/loss if you reschedule the WO. We usually reschedule a WO by processing an MRP Message; or by going into WO Header from the Shop Floor Workbench, changing the requested date and planned effective date, blanking out the start date, and then click OK.

The following fields are being blanked/zero'd out in the F3112 table:
RUNA - Actual Run Labor Hours
SETA - Actual Setup Labor Hours
STRX - Completion Date
VEND - Vendor # (for outside processing operation)
RLLN - Related Line # (for outside processing operation)
CTS* - Various cost fields (I've seen CTS2, CTS4, CTS5 and CTS9).

This problem was just reproduced by PeopleSoft support today. I'm going to escalate the issue, since our data corruption/loss is continuing to mount every day. If you're running Manufacturing 8.9, you might want to check out your F3112 table!