Back Flush


JDE 8.9 sp 17 as/400 as the server

When you make a Work Order it pulls inventory from a location in this case lets say the primary.

When i move inventory to the workcenter for this WO it doesn't change on the work order so when i backflush it relieves inventory from the primary not the secondary where the inventory is. This ofcourse is driving the primary to negatives.

The question how should i move inventory to a work order (work center for the work order) so the W/O bill is changed and the backflush will work correctly by relieving the inventory from the seconadary location at the work center not the primary location.

This is not, strictly speaking, a Technical issue - you may get a better response on the Apps Forum unless you are seeking advice on a mod. The answer is no - you cannot do what you are asking without some major system mods - is this what you driving at?

You can Backflush from the Work Center Location and this requires a whole set of setup to be done in the Work Center, Routing, Manufacturing Constants, etc. Once done the Parts List will be Hard Committed to the W/C Inventory Location where the Operation Sequence numbers line up.

You will need to make sure your Processing Options in P3111 or R31410 are set to Commit properly.

You cannot retrospectivly re-commit the Parts List unless you re-attach it by deleting it and putting it back (or re-running R31410). However, this shouldn't be necessary. Getting commitments to W/C Locations is only a matter of correct setup. So you don't need to move Inventory to the Work Center to solve this problem. You just need to get it to commit properly.

Have you done all the setup correctly or do you need further guidance?