Order Release P43060 Bug


Error "Insert to table F4301Z failed" is encountered while generation of Quote order from Requisition. While releasing the quote order the first line of requisition is not released to quote order. Users are releasing the orders in PY environment using CITRIX. The Problems is encountered while releasing of Quote Order, using Release Application (P43060). Users are facing the problem in two steps,

1. Users are frequently receiving an error message. "Insert to table F4301Z failed" when releasing the quote order. We are unable to predict the situation in which this message appears.
2. After user has received the first error message, and they continue to generate orders, the first line of the requisition they are attempting to release does not appear on the generated Quote Order.

Related SAR 7127881 for the above problem is found on KG and as per the resolution of the JDE ESU7291 is applied. But it has not resolved the issue.

Can anyone provide way to resolve?



  • 74403-Issue-6120886.doc
    98.5 KB · Views: 172
we have the same problem and when we revious the PO generate for to add a new line a mesage (dplicate in F4074) i discover then the number of ligne in F4311 anis different then in F4074. [couleur:purple] [/couleur]
Try to clean up working file F4301Z. The problem might be caused by duplicate key in the table which is not allowed (ie. field JOBS). This should solve the problem of "F4311Z insert failed", but further care must be taken for orders which "stuck" at the F4311Z file.

I hope this help.

I've experienced this my self, but couldn't figure out the cause of this problem.