Xe to ERP8.9 Upgrade Question



Reputable Poster
Hello all,

When during the upgrade process does the server map's OCM table get populated? We've gone through the installation plan already and all logs and PDFs say everything is fine however, the SVM9.F986101 table is still empty.

Thanks in advance!
System - B9 is pop. in Environment WorkBench and
<Ent Svr> - B9 Server Map OCMs are populated during Host Workbench.

dan_richards <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello all,When during the upgrade process does the server map's OCM table get
populated? We've gone through the installation plan already and all logs and
PDFs say everything is fine however, the SVM9.F986101 table is still
empty.Thanks in advance!
Dan Richards
Plexus Corp.
PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne, SP22_I1, XU6, RS6000, Oracle 9i, Metaframe XPe FR2,
JAS (WAS 4.05) on Solaris
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PDF reports can lie!

Just go into the plan and reset the workbench and then re run the plan. Did you install all the latest planner & TC ESU's and the latest SP?

Yes, we have SP2_N1 with PF1793 (Planner) and PF211 (TC). The plan has been rerun multiple times with the same result.

I was able to get around the issue temporarily by assigning an environment to the Enterprise Server in Machine Identification and then clicking on "Generate Server Map." However, I'm concerned with what else might not have finished correctly.