Publish on Citrix to menu location.



I want to do the following since I can't publish JDE Shortcuts to my Citrix Published apps.

I need to know if there are any switches from oexplorer.exe which can send me to a specific menu. I'm trying to publish in citrix approval review. I hate to have the full version of OW on workstations for Execs that are just needing to approve reqs and to high and mighty to learn how to navigate to the menu! [blush]

I think the following may work.

Are you using OneWorld Explorer or Solution Explorer? If you use OW Explorer, you could create a new menu with nothing but approval review and then have the exec's OW profile go right to that menu. If you use Soln Explorer, you can create a new task view with nothing but approval review. Then make sure the jde.ini file for exec's Citrix profile has the following in the [Explorer] section ... ExplorerStart=TASK:91. Replace 91 with the internal Task ID of your custom task view.