Citrix Server with Fench and English users - how to have both number formats?


Hello all,
I have English localize citrix terminal servers with both English and French user connecting. The difference is -

English - 1,000.00
French - 1 000,00

How do I support both these formats on the same Citrix server? (And no - changing the "Decimal Format Charicter" in the P0092 makes the French users look like this -


Which is no good.


For French users, login with each of their user id's to the Citrix TSE, access the "Regional and Language Options" control panel, then change their language to French. Alternatively, create a .reg file exported from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" containing the value of the French currency character "€" and add this to the login script so that all French users receive this value at next login. Since this is a user customizable registry setting, there shouldn't be any issues with loading the registry key in this fashion.