Launch jobqueu from command line on Win200 ES


Active Member
On a Unix ES I can launch additional jobqueues from a command line. Can you do something similar on a Win2000 ES?

Yes you can, Melissa.
It's not really command line, though and it's NOT very straight forward.
I have done it once in a lab and it worked for me.

First you need to install the queue services a second time under a different service name. You can do that by first editing JDE.INI (keep an original copy) changing the line

StartServicePrefix=JDE Update 3 (for Xe, probably Update 4 for ERP8)
to something like
StartServicePrefix=MyExtraQueueService .

Install the queue service running jdesque -I . (This is NOT anything like multiple foundation, no need to change the port number.)

Then you edit the queues


to what you need to start.
When you start the new queue service your extra queues will come up. You take them down by taking the extra service down. Then you would need to restore your original JDE.INI to bring the other services down.

Like I said, it's not nice. You may want to write a batch that copies the JDE.INI files into place back and forth and starts/stops the extra service with the "net start/stop" command.

Like always, I do not recommend this procedure in a production environment.
(But it's fun to play around with ...)

Good luck, Gerd