Diabling Import/Export to Excel


Did anyone know how to disable the Import/Export to Excel utility in OneWorld XE/ERP8?
I don't think you can ...other than taking away Excel!

But if you think about it they could probably just print the screen or copy and paste into Word anyway, so disabling the Export function won't really do much.
Couldn't you just remove it by using External Calls security? Taking away excel.exe?
FYI, the External Call security is for any link/menu item that you created into the OneWorld Menu to call extternal application, and not to disable external application execution.
that makes sense, but it does stop like utb.exe... But I guess that is from inside JDE...

Well then you could create a local windows policy that everyone gets logging into windows, that does not allow running excel.exe, just put it in the restricted Apps section.

I have had mixed results when using the security policy's restricted
Apps list. Although it prevents launching programs initiated by windows
(explorer.exe), if the 'restricted' application is launched from within
an unrestricted application (i.e. Iexplore.exe being launched by
oexplore.exe) the security policy does not take effect.

Brent Marxhausen
DBT, Inc.
Independent CNC Consultant
EMail: [email protected]
Disable Import Excel into a Grid (My solution) : (in french)

Comment empêcher l’import de données Excel

Créer un champ supplémentaire. ex : ERRC
Le rendre insaisissable.
Le cacher.
Au niveau de la grille dans « Add Last Entry Row to Grid », remplir ce champs
Au niveau de la grille dans « Row is Entered » vérifier si ce champs est bien saisi, sinon supprimer la ligne.

Quand on ajoute une ligne à la main, une nouvelle ligne est créee et le champs est rempli, donc aucun problème la ligne rester toujours.
Au niveau de l’import, les lignes sont ajoutées en début de grille, donc sur les lignes ou la zone est vide donc les lignes seront supprimer à la validation de la ligne.

On protége la zone pour être sur que l’import ne la remplisse pas.

Et voilà
L’import ne marche plus

On peut mettre ce champs en début ou en fin de grille ça ne change rien

WarningApplication: Bruno Courant (P55BC)

FORM: Header/Detail [HEADER DETAIL] (W55BCB)
EVENT: Add Last Entry Row to Grid
GC EC = "E"

EVENT: Row is Entered
If GC EC is not equal to "E"
Delete Grid Row(FC Grid, <Currently Selected Row>)
End If
Re: Diabling Import/Export to Excel (solution)

How to disable import Excel in a grid.

Create a field in your grid like ERRC
Disable input of this field
Hide this field
In the grid event rules « Add Last Entry Row to Grid » input a value in this field (for newest rows)
In the grid event rules « Write Grid Line-Before » input a value in this field (for oldest rows)
In the grid event rules « Row is Entered » check if this field have the good value else delete this row.
In the grid event rules « Row is Exited » check if this field have the good value else delete this row.

When you add values with keyboard, it’s a new row in the end of the grid, then the value in the field is good.
When you import row, they are written before the first row then the field is blank, and this row will be deleted

We disable this field, to be sure that will not import with the test value.
We can put this field in the beginning or the end of the grid, there is any influence.

That’s all
Import is disable

WarningApplication: Bruno Courant (P55BC)

FORM: Header/Detail [HEADER DETAIL] (W55BCB)
EVENT: Add Last Entry Row to Grid
GC EC = "E"

EVENT: Write Grid Line-Before
GC EC = "E"

EVENT: Row is Entered
If GC EC is not equal to "E"
Delete Grid Row(FC Grid, <Currently Selected Row>)
End If

EVENT: Row is Exited
If GC EC is not equal to "E"
Delete Grid Row(FC Grid, <Currently Selected Row>)
End If