Menus - Heirarchical View


Well Known Member
Is there a way to see all of the menus in the system in a heirarchical view? I don't mean "View -> Tree" in OW Exporer, but rather something that shows *all* the menus in the system heirarchically.

P0082 shows all the menus, but they're listed in a flat, alphabetical grid. Is there an equivalent that shows a graphical representation of how they relate? Or is there a report that would give this information?

Yes, there is a UBE that prints Menus; but you have to pay special attention - unless you want to kill the remaining trees on this globe.
Do use the Data Selection - that was my first lesson in OneWorld.

The UBE is R0082. accessible through Batch Versions OR just in front of your eyes, on application P0082's W0082L Form Exit.
Warm regards,