Re: [Solution Explorer Menu Copying]


Well Known Member
Re: [Solution Explorer Menu Copying]

You can copy the entire set of SE tasks between environments using SQL.

The tables involved are F9000 - F9006.

I don't know your DB platform but if you are on an AS/400 the scripts would
look something like this.

/* Copy SE Tasks from DV7333 to PY7333 */
/* Step 1 - Do backups to tape and/or disk */

/* Step 2 */
delete from crpctl.f9000;
insert into crpctl.f9000 select * from testctl.f9000;

.... F9001 - F9006.

RHoffman <[email protected]> wrote:
the changes in DV but are faced with recreating the tasks in every
environment....Is there a way or a utility to copy "Procurement Menus" from
development to test and to production (without grabbing all other areas)?