xe dated 9/18/02 (any update?)


Active Member
Our OneWorld setup CD 1 of 2 is dated 9/18/2000 and our update 6 CD is dated 5/29/2002.

Would this indicate that our xe install is base xe or is it delivered (on 9/18/2000) with update 1 or 2 or ?

If it is base xe, do I need to complete special instructions for U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 and U6, OUCH and if so would these special instructions still be available on the Knowledge Garden?


RS/6000..AIX 5.1...DB2/UDB..xe..sp20_h1 planner JD16916
Your XE CD is "base" Xe

Update 6 will contain updates 1,2,3,4 and 5 - but not the baseline.

I believe that Update 6 also has the special instructions that you can install from Base to Update 6 in one move.
You have the same CD's we have which is Base Xe, No Updates.

You have to download Update 6. Update 6 will have all the special
instructions for Updates 1- 5 which you will need to do.


ENT: AS400 V5R1 OW Xe Update 5 Coexistence SP19 D1
DEP: Win2000 SP3, SQL 7 SP3
JAS: Win2000 (pending)

Our OneWorld setup CD 1 of 2 is dated 9/18/2000 and our update 6 CD is
dated 5/29/2002.Would this indicate that our xe install is base xe or is
it delivered (on 9/18/2000) with update 1 or 2 or ?If it is base xe, do
I need to complete special instructions for U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 and U6,
OUCH and if so would these special instructions still be available on
the Knowledge Garden?Thank-You.RS/6000..AIX 5.1...DB2/UDB..xe..sp20_h1
planner JD16916
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AS400 V5R1 Coexist CO-Win2000 NT Xe SP19 D1
Leafs :

Special instructions are on the U6 CD. They're a 7 Mb large HTML file.

Regards, Sebastian Sajaroff