Date Problems With ODA


I am trying to extract data from XE Update 4, using Microsoft Access. Using a calculated date, such as <=Date(), I receive the message "Reserved Error (-7713); there is no message for this error". However, when I use an actual date, such as <=10/18/02, the query works correctly.

Is there any way I can get a calculated date to work? I currently export the data and then use a calculated date to divide the Sales Orders into weekly batches.

I am using Windows 2000 Professional(SP-3) with Access 2000(Office 2000 SR-1). The query is very simple. Here is the SQL, if it will help:
SELECT [Tab-Sales Order Detail File].Identifier2ndItem, [Tab-Sales Order Detail File].ActualDeliveryDate, [Tab-Sales Order Detail File].UnitsTransactionQty, DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-1,1) AS Expr1
FROM [Tab-Sales Order Detail File]
WHERE ((([Tab-Sales Order Detail File].ActualDeliveryDate)<=Date()));

Thanks in advance,
