Unit cost Mismatch in Cardex & GL on Split line

Chan Rana

Chan Rana

Legendary Poster
We use Custom Ship Confirm service to ship confirm orders in JDE from WMS system in E19.0 TR9.1.4.4. All works fine except when the ship confirm happens on multiple lots or short ship(we cancel remaining qty) then Editline would create new lines and matches the incoming Ship confirm request with the sales order. Only issue is Split line will grab new unit cost from F4105 and use it for the new lines instead of using the cost on Original sales line. This creates difference between Cardex and GL and have to be fixed manually. This also creates an impact on unit cost. I am still researching the issue but want to check in list if anybody has faced this problem and know if there is any setup which can prevent Ship confirm from using new unit cost?.

Well learning the hard way. Surprised that no functional guys responded but there is UDC 40/AV which controls the cost during ship confirm(and many applications) and if you use thru custom app then it wont work. I think the major reason why Oracle hasn't come up with Ship Confirm service. Time to customize ShipConfirm Editline.
I also found too many bugs in PO receipt BSSV related to cost calculation.
