Our school has purchased Transform and I received training but we used all of training hours before completing the documents we were creating. Unfortunately our PO is 95% completed, and my boss' boss wants it in production yesterday, and they tell me we don't have funds to purchase any more training hours.
I have one issue - I'm currently printing the final dollar amount total on every page of the PO in the TOTAL box and Purchasing needs the final total only to appear on the very last page of a multi-page PO. And "Continued" needs to print in the TOTAL box on all other pages of the PO. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
I was given a solution by another school but it requires that a PO "Page Count" object exist that is the total number of pages for the PO (under DATA > DOCUMENT). And that a "Current Page Number" object exist so that you know what page you are on. Can anyone provide me directions on how to create a "Page Count" & "Current Page Number" in Transform. If I can create these objects then I can use a Text Match to verify if they match and if they do I'll print the Total on the page otherwise I can print "Continued".
I have one issue - I'm currently printing the final dollar amount total on every page of the PO in the TOTAL box and Purchasing needs the final total only to appear on the very last page of a multi-page PO. And "Continued" needs to print in the TOTAL box on all other pages of the PO. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
I was given a solution by another school but it requires that a PO "Page Count" object exist that is the total number of pages for the PO (under DATA > DOCUMENT). And that a "Current Page Number" object exist so that you know what page you are on. Can anyone provide me directions on how to create a "Page Count" & "Current Page Number" in Transform. If I can create these objects then I can use a Text Match to verify if they match and if they do I'll print the Total on the page otherwise I can print "Continued".