TELNET and printing


OK, maybe not a strictly JDE question, but I'm sure someone on the list can
give me a quick answer. I've TELNETed to a client's AS/400 from my AS/400,
and now I need to print a spool file created on their machine on my locally
attached printer.

What's the easiest way to do this?

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Mike, investigate the SNDTCPSPLF command. The F1 helps are fairly comprehensive so you should be able to work out the parameter values, but obviously post back here if you have problems.

The thing to bear in mind is that your TELNET session is on the client's machine so for the purposes of the SNDTCPSPLF command the client's machine is the local machine and your home machine is the remote. You will also need to have the Line Printer Daemon services running on your own AS/400.

Dave Kahn (World A7.3 cum 10)
Thanks, Dave. I'll try that. The immediate need has gone away in the last
few hours, but I'm sure it will appear again.
