Split Line not getting SHPN number for KIT Item



Legendary Poster
Hi guys,

I have an odd one here in that when we approve a shipment and all the F4211 lines get updated with the SHPN, when we then Print a Pick Slip (R42520) and a split line arises, we are noticing it is not getting the shipment number in the new line.

I've noticed the new line is at 535 912. Other lines are at 555 535

I do see that BSFN B4200450 in I4200450_CreateNewLine will set the SHPN to zero if :

/* SAR 6616949 6/26/2003 MD5644340 */ /* Zero out the Shipment number for configured & kit component lines */
if (((MathZeroTest(&lpdsF4211->sdktln) != 0) && (MathZeroTest(&lpdsF4211->sdcpnt) != 0)) ||
(lpDS->cUseKitFields == _J('4') || lpDS->cUseKitFields == _J('3') ||
lpDS->cUseKitFields == _J('5')))
{ ParseNumericString(&lpdsF4211->sdshpn, _J("0")); }

Now this is a KIT item.....so it looks like it's default E1 behaviour

What does your B4200450 say for that bit of code inside I4200450_CreateNewLine??? (around about by Line number 5396)


Code there looks to be identical:
  /* SAR 6616949  6/26/2003  MD5644340 */
  /* Zero out the Shipment number for configured & kit component lines */
   if (((MathZeroTest(&lpdsF4211->sdktln) != 0) && (MathZeroTest(&lpdsF4211->sdcpnt) != 0)) ||
        (lpDS->cUseKitFields == _J('4') || lpDS->cUseKitFields == _J('3') || 
        lpDS->cUseKitFields == _J('5')))
      ParseNumericString(&lpdsF4211->sdshpn, _J("0"));

though ours is at line 5537, unmodified B4200450.c.
Mmmmmm ?

Cheers Dave. Odd behaviour. Any thoughts on why E1 might have done this as a default?

It's saying if you split a KIT item, we won't assign a shipment number. But it's already gone past ship approve. So it's odd