SIC Codes


A few Purchasing related questions:

1. Has anyone developed a good method for tracking vendors with multiple
SIC codes?

2. The NAICS codes appear to be the successor to the SIC codes, is anyone
using NAICS codes instead of the SIC codes?

3. What about tracking insurance certificate expiry dates?

4. Has anyone created Address Book supplementary databases?

We currently maintain a 700+ page Word document that lists vendors by SIC
code. When a new project is started the Purchasing Staff search the Word
document to find the vendors for the particular product or service (i.e.
Compressors, Combustion Turbine Seals, etc.). We would like to incorporate
this information into the vendor's Address Book record. A large percentage
of the vendors have multiple SIC codes. We have thought about entering
their primary SIC code in the SIC field and using Category Codes to identify
their secondary SIC codes.

With the expiry dates on the insurance certificates we need to have a
mechanism whereby we can search which vendors have certificates which are
expiring at the end of December and then we can ask them for a copy of an
updated certificate. Using a Category Code and developing a monthly report
on expired codes would probably work, unless someone has a better idea.

Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

We are currently running B732.1 and are planning to move to Xe in May 2001.


Wayne Anderson
Financial Systems Administrator