E9.2 Server Manager Zombie Kernel Errors



We have upgraded from E9.1 to E9.2 and since then we are getting random Zombie process Kernal errors. Has anyone seen this before.

You are receiving this message because a monitored event has occurred. Details of the event are shown below.

Monitor: Test Server Zombie Kernel

Event Type: Zombie Kernel or Batch Process Event Time: 16/02/23 12:04 Managed Instance: ENT_TELEREAL_DEV_AZUE9EST101_6017 Additional Information:

Instance : ENT_TELEREAL_DEV_AZUE9EST101_6017:AZUE9EST101.business.int:E:\jde_home_SM_Agent_32Bit\SCFHA

Enterprise Server Process Detail


OS Status: 2 (ZOMBIE)

E1 Status: 3 (ZOMBIE)

AS/400 Job Id: 0

Process Id: 2180

User Id: 0

Group Id: 0

Process Type: 0 [Kernel Process]

Start Time: 16/02/23 10:50

Last Updated: 16/02/23 12:04

Try adding this server's name to its own HOSTS file, right there, on that same server. JDE had a bug in that area and it was the suggested workaround. I cannot recall Doc ID. And I'm not entirely sure that this bug was completely fixed yet.

We are getting the messages too. We started seeing the message after we upgraded E1 to 9.2 and E1 tools It seems that we get less Zombie message when we clear the TAM specs.
Did you open a ticket with Oracle?
Alex, do you remember Oracle Doc ID?

Thank you for your help

We are getting the messages too. We started seeing the message after we upgraded E1 to 9.2 and E1 tools It seems that we get less Zombie message when we clear the TAM specs.
Did you open a ticket with Oracle?
Alex, do you remember Oracle Doc ID?

Thank you for your help
I think it was this one: 2872804.1

Note that it's "fixed" and your messages in the logs may be different, but you still need to do the HOSTS file thing regardless. Essentially because it's really not "fixed".
I think it was this one: 2872804.1

Note that it's "fixed" and your messages in the logs may be different, but you still need to do the HOSTS file thing regardless. Essentially because it's really not "fixed".
Hello Alex

We will look at the document.

Thank you for your help