Scanning barcode and automatically tab to next field


Hi All,

We produce a report that has a barcode on it. Once that is produced users goto an application in which they scan the barcode and the value will autopopulate the correct field on the application to prevent user from having to key it in. However, is there a way to have it automatically tab down to the next field once the barcode is scanned and value written rather than scanning and user having to hit the tab field each time?

Thanks in advance!!
Probably - yes.

I'm assuming your talking about a hand held scanner directly connected to the users machine.

You'll need the programming manual for your scanner. Most scanners will permit you to program a post-amble into the scanner so you can add a carriage return or tab as you need it. This post-amble will be in place all the time so if your using this scanner for other purposes that may not fit all situations.
You have to program the scanner to do that. You program the scanner to perform a tab after each scan.

Depending on what kind of scanner you have you should be able to get the code sheet from the manual. The code sheet is a bunch of bar codes, you would scan a bar code to get into a programming mod. then scan the tab bar code, then scan another bar code to exit the programming mod.

I tend to disagree with the other responses. Are you using an actual bar code software integrated with E1 such as RF Smart or DSI? Or are you just using a bar code reading wedge? If you are merely using a wedge, you will not be able to tab to different fields in E1. If you desire to have this functionality, you would have to install a bar code processing software and incorporate the movement between fields into the particular workflows you design and implement..