sales order doc types


Does anyone know an easy way to edit a sales order doc type to ensure the
'correct' one is being used. We have a need to report international, domestic
and intercompany sales separately and all sales are booked in the same company
and b/p. I can set up the menu options, but want to make sure the user is in
the correct version before allowing entry of the s/o. We do use cat codes on
the address book to classify customers. I didn't see anything in preference
profiles to accommodate this. Any input would help. Thanks Debbie
World 7.3 cum 8
Debbie, we set up a specific dream writer for each doc type and place it on
a menu, the P4211 or P4201a defaults in the desired document type... s.e.t.
We took the approach using the Address Book Category Codes on the Bill-To
records. It doesn't insure proper entry, but we have written a WW that checks
to see if the Order Type/address book category code relationships are as they
should be as defined by our procedures. This "audit" report is run
automatically, twice a day for each site, and is reviewed to "catch" any
incorrect entries. If they are caught before the order is ship confirmed the
correction can be made.

dkazinski <[email protected]> on 02/23/2001 07:30:53 AM

Please respond to [email protected]

To: [email protected]
cc: (bcc: Tom Holt/BEA)

Subject: sales order doc types

Does anyone know an easy way to edit a sales order doc type to ensure the
'correct' one is being used. We have a need to report international, domestic
and intercompany sales separately and all sales are booked in the same company
and b/p. I can set up the menu options, but want to make sure the user is in
the correct version before allowing entry of the s/o. We do use cat codes on
the address book to classify customers. I didn't see anything in preference
profiles to accommodate this. Any input would help. Thanks Debbie
World 7.3 cum 8

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I like the World Writer approach that was already mentioned.
I would like to add though if your running short on cat codes then perhaps you could do something with the Order Activity Rules for the different doc types.
We do a lot of internationl orders and due to paperwork requirements we have different order activity rules for those doc types.

Scott Parker
Grote Industries, LLC.
WorldSoftware Version 8.1.2 AS/400 V4R5
Insofar as performing validation in sales order entry, we have encountered this problem in our shop. We couldn't find anything im the sales order entry's processing options to prevent the user from overriding the version's default document type.

Our solution was to set up seperate versions of SO entry with the appropriate default document types along with a mod to the SO header and SO detail display files (a.k.a. "videos") to make document type a non-enterable field. This prevents the user from overriding the default document type.

If I understand your post, you are using 3 specific order types to designate the 3 different sales: international, domestic and intercompany so that you can use order type as a data selection filter for reporting the 3 types of sales.

You said you have category codes to classify customers. I assume you mean to classify customers as international, domestic and intercompany. Why not use only one document type and use a joined logical (sales order entry and address book, linked by sold-to or ship-to) to process your reports and select on the appropriate category codes?

Of course, if the 3 document types you are using are posting to seperate G/L accounts through automatic accounting instructions, you will have to stick to the 3 document types.

Before you go ahead and make the mod to lock users from the document type, see if someone responds with a way to do that through the system. It may be possible. I always avoid a modificiation if I can. We couldn't find anything, though.

Just some things to think about.
If you're using Advanced Pricing, you can set up a mandatory adjustment
that compares the doc.type with the cat.code that you are using to
designate what type of customer it is. If they don't jive, they'll get a
hard error. A downside is that you won't get the error until at least one
detail line is entered and they press enter, so if your orders have a lot
of lines and the entry person waits until they have entered all the lines
to press enter, they will have to start all over.

<dkazinski@pentair To: [email protected]> cc:
Sent by: Subject: sales order doc types

02/23/01 07:30 AM
Please respond to

Does anyone know an easy way to edit a sales order doc type to ensure
'correct' one is being used. We have a need to report international,
and intercompany sales separately and all sales are booked in the same
and b/p. I can set up the menu options, but want to make sure the user is
the correct version before allowing entry of the s/o. We do use cat codes
the address book to classify customers. I didn't see anything in
profiles to accommodate this. Any input would help. Thanks Debbie
World 7.3 cum 8

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I wouldn't say it was easy, but if you use Advanced Pricing you can screen
out invalid customer / doc type combinations using a mandatory price
adjustment which uses an order detail group.

For example

1. Define an order detail group DOCTYPE using Order Type and a field from
the billing instructions that you're not using, say Route Code.

2. Define a price adjustment DOCTYPE using the Order Detail group DOCTYPE,
set Mandatory Adjustment = Y

3. Assign Route Code '100' to all customers which should use order type UX.

4. Attach price adjustment DOCTYPE to the Adjustment Schedule for the

5. Set up price adjustment details for DOCTYPE adjustment. Leave Factor
blank, set Order Type = UX, Route Code = 100.

Now, if you try to enter an order for a customer with route 100 on a doc
type that's other than UX, you'll get a hard error. The error text (F7)
will say 'No price found for mandatory adjustment.'


Jon Curry
Farmers Co-operative Dairy Limited

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8118
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3K 5Y6

Physical Address:
745 Hammonds Plains Road
Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada B4B 1A8

Phone: (902) 835-4005 Ext. 3155
Fax: (902) 835-1583
E-mail: [email protected]
There are several things you can do to ensure that an incorrect order type
is not entered for a particular customer. These ideas eliminate the need
for any user decision making:

1. You can use the mandatory adjustment feature of advanced pricing to setup
a $0 adjustment that is required on every schedule. This will not affect
the price. Set up only the allowed combinations of customer group and
document type in the price details (use order detail group for the doc
type). When an order is entered for the wrong customer/order type
combination you will get an error: "Mandatory Price Adjustment not found."
You can change the error message to say "Wrong document type for this

I've used this mandatory adjustment feature of pricing creatively in several
other clients for other purposes and it works great.

2. Another way to do this is to use the Next Order Status Preference to bump
disallowed combinations to an invalid status. But you have to setup your
customer category code in the preference category code, so there's some
duplication of setup.

Andy Klee

Klee Associates
J.D. Edwards Certified Professional
Voice: (970) 856-4811
Cel: (612) 685-0411