Sales Order Credit Hold Codes



Can Sales Order Entry check for order hold codes at the SHIP TO customer hierarchy level? We have a customer group under one BILL TO account that does not require orders to be held prior to shipment. One of the SHIP TO accounts has requested that all orders be held for approvals prior to shipment (to validate PO issuance). We placed a code on the SHIP TO P03013 Customer Master record in CM Credit Message field, and changed ARTO Credit Check Level to all possible combinations but find that orders do not go on order hold because BILL TO account has no CM Credit Message code. Any ideas on how to check for hold codes at the SHIP TO level within customer hierarchy? Thanks!

In the Customer Master you have an option to set the credit limit verification level (by Line Of bussines, By Principal, By Sales To, or By Ship To) Alias ARTO

check this

If you want to hold all orders for a specific address book number:-
from customer master information,
select Form then
select billing information,
select billing Page2,
then apply your hold code in Hold order code option.

Thanks for the replies! We already have values in both the HOLD Hold Order Code field and ARTO Credit Check Level field and orders are not being placed on hold...they pass right through because the BILL TO account has no valued in those fields in P03013.
you have the ARTO in the ship to and sold to customer master set to S ship to? and had set a credit limit in the ship to address?

If this is right and you put a sales order to this ship to for an amount gstill do not work, you should open a bug in the oracle portal.