RE: Media Objects



Well Known Member
RE: Media Objects

SOLUTION ID:200820442 E1: MOBJ: Moving Media Objects location

I would like to move the media objects off my deployment server to a
different server, like the Enterprise or Batch servers. What is the process
or procedure to accomplish this?

You can move your media objects to the enterprise server as long as the
enterprise server is windows based. The oleque has to be on a windows box
because the ole objects are stored as a .stg format. After moving the
physical files and directories you have to make sure to go back into
P98MOQUE and change the paths to the media object folder so they point to
the new place.

Access the Media Object Queues Application (P98MOQUE).

Within this application, verify that the path for the media object queue is
valid. For example, if mapping media objects locally, it should look like
\b7\mediaobj\oleque. If mapping to a server, it should look like
\\servername\b733\mediaobj\oleque where server name is the network name of
the server and b733 is the share name.
Verify that the directories mediaobj and oleque exist and that the directory
b733 is the share name and not the absolute path to J.D. Edwards software.
Verify that the appropriate NT permissions exist for the user. Users need
CHANGE permissions (on NT) to use OLE media objects.

OneWorld media object queues allow storage location of media objects to be
tracked by reference as opposed to physical network location. This allows
for easy administration of media location. For example, the location for
media objects on your server can change, and the change only has to be
reflected in one place in OW.

You define a media object queue to identify the pointer to the location
where the actual image files or OLE objects reside.

In OneWorld, the OLE object attached to a row or a form is actually a link
to the OLE object that resides in a media object queue.

Therefore, just changing the path where the OLE queue will be pointing will
be enough for telling the application where to go now to find those objects.

SPECIFIC TO: EnterpriseOne

FDA-Media Objects-Set up-Moving-Location
Media Object