RE: Advancing Project Status and Transferring Objects
Yes! I have finally been able to transfer my objects.
We did a lot of things so I can't tell you exactly were the problem was but,
on the SQL server, *Public profile had lost read-write-update-delete access
to table F9861 (Object Librarian). I still get the RDBAccess messages in
the JDEDEBUG.LOG but it works anyway.
According to the expert I was talking to, the OCM mapping was not a problem.
In the activity rules that I had setup for the transfer, I made everything
active (especially UO - User overrides). I you use the 'Transfer Activity
Rules Setup Director' AFTER you had setup the activity rules through OMW
configuration, you will need to revise them all because they get
modified/deactivated. These rules are all the same independently of the
environment you use (i.e. if you setup a rule that developer check-in and
out from DEV environment, even if the developer is logged into the Prototype
environment, the check-in and out will still be into the DEV environment.)
One last thing... When advancing a project should make transfers, it first
verifies that the object date and time are different for both environments
(From and To). If some of the objects have the same date/time, the
transfers won't work successfully. They had copied all the DEV objects to
the Prototype and Production environments before advancing the project but
some objects had been modified after they had done the copy and it would not
I think that's about it. If you need more information, you can contact me
Have fun!