QUSCHGUS User Space Record not retreived


Active Member
Hi folks. We're having problems today interfacing G/L journals from our
sales system into JDE. We use the XT0911Z1 functional server interface
to do this. The process has failed for the first time in 12 years and
we're getting the message "3672 User Space Record not Retreived" on the
batch creation report. I've looked on the KG for this and can see 5
items all linked to IBM user space. Question is - how do we change it
??? Thanks for any help ! Steve Lawrence, Coral Racing Ltd. A7.3 cum
10. V4R5. www.coral.co.uk
Are you getting an RPG dump or joblog that might tell you why you cannot retreive the user space? You might need to put the job in debug to find out. I would contact PS and see what they say.
Thanks Jean. We've solved this now. In a nutshell the IBM user space has a ceiling of 16mb. We have increased our sales lines within the last FY and also have added a few hundred more cost centres, meaning several thousand more G/L lines in various ledgers. We were trying to squirt all this data through the XT0911Z1 in one go and this is where we hit the 16mb limit. We have split the data up into more than one batch and everything runs fine again. We've also built in a small trigger to warn us before we reach this limit again so that we can split the data further if needed. Steve Lawrence, Coral Racing Ltd. A7.3 cum 10. V4R5.

Are you getting an RPG dump or joblog that might tell you why you cannot retreive the user space? You might need to put the job in debug to find out. I would contact PS and see what they say.
Jean Driscoll
AS/400(V5R2) Co-existent Xe SP22, Update 7/A73Cum12
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