Put sales order on hold if it contains a direct ship line?



Reputable Poster
Hi list!

We will use inventory commitment preferences to place an order line against a specific branch if the item is flagged as a direct ship item. We will have multi-line sales orders where one or several order lines are placed against "direct ship" branch/plant with line type "D" to create the direct ship purchase order.
All this is working fine but the customer would like to place the entire order on hold if one of the lines is a direct ship item

I have tested using margin hold and set it up to hold orders in direct shpi branch if the margin is below 999% but margin holds will not work unless i set it up against the header branch as well AND it will hold orders with negative margin (it is not possible to configure margin hold to allow negative lines) The customer must be able to let negative margin orders process without placing these on hold.

I will test order allocation hold next but i think it will not work with direct ship lines and i think the criteria must be defined so it holds orders that are above a certain treshold and does not allow using 0 (zero) so it would probably only hold orders where quantity is greater than 1 (so if quantity is 1, the order would not be held)

Does anyone have any tips as how to accomplish this? (To hold a sales order line if one of the lines is committed against a specific branch or based on the fact that the line type is "D")

I will try using purchase order holds and hope that the related sales order will be held if the purchase order is put on hold

With kind regards
An update.. None of the approaches worked so i'm still looking for a solution

Hi all! I solved this using advanced pricing. I created an empty adjustment that is only triggered by branch SEM99. This adjustment is mutually exclusive with an existing adjustment and will therefore force the order to go on hold every time both adjustments are triggered