

Well Known Member
memset((void *) &bfData, (int) '0', sizeof(DSD4500460));

LongToMathNumeric(CustomerNo, &bfData.mnAddressNumber);
jdeStrcpy(bfData.szItemNo, Product, sizeof(bfData.szItemNo));

//Both bfData Values are filled successfully...Checked.

//Now Call the Business Function to process the above
ID returnval = jdeCallObject("PriceCalculateSingle", NULL, lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, (void *)&bfData, (CALLMAP *)NULL, 0, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 0);

This function fails because of bfData, it tries to copy a char * but failes due to the memory being empty... Does this function need more than the address number and item number? it says it only needs the item number and i have checked the code and can't see it needing anything else. Can someone please help with this, all I want to do is enter a address number and item number and return a calculated price, as on an order...


* The purpose of this business function is to serve as an interoperable
* Pricing API, retrieving and returning a single unit price while employing
* a smaller, less complicated datastructure than B4201500. The function
* requires only an item number to return a price. This function acts as a
* "wrapper" to B4201500, masking some of its complexity and defaulting in
* parameters that B4201500 requires to calculate a price.

This function needs at last a business unit for the item. You can set up a standard branch with APPL P400951 in OW Menu G4241 or give a business unit as parameter in this function.
Hi, Sorry I forgot to post a reply. I have solved the problem and it works for both home and foreign prices. Thank for reply though :)