Mass Update of the F0006


Reputable Poster
We use MCRP26 in the F0006 to designate a reporting hiearchy for another system. We have 7000 or so business units, and about 200 possible values in the UDC 00/26.

The business would like to change the MCRP26 value for all of the business units, and will be providing us a spreadsheet with that information. Now rather than going in one by one and changing each business unit, we are looking for a system way to apply these changes.

I know if we were adding new business units, we could do a mass upload using the Revise Multiple BUs option in the Review/Revise BU's, but we are looking to update existing entries.

Is there anything like the Import option that would allow us to apply a mass change like this?

If not, then it looks like we would do some sort of SQL update or script outside of JDE to do this, but would prefer a system option of some sort within JDE.

Any ideas would be appreciated. We are on E1 9.0.

It may depend on what sort of changes are being made and if it is a one-off change. If there is no way to identify which business units need to be updated to a particular value, apart from a list of business units and this is a one-off change, then a direct database update may be the best solution.
We did something like this. We uploaded our two column spreadsheet (BU, Cat Code) to a table making sure our BUs were formatted correctly with 8 preceding spaces in our case then ran this SQL.

Update Cat Code 10
update pydata/f0006 set mcrp12=(select f2 from customdata/f0006cat
where mcmcu=f1) where mcmcu
in (select f1 from customdata/f0006cat)
What about using Copy/Paste from Excel into that field using the P01RS006? I just tried it in my test environment, and it seemed to work. I think that application is available with 9.0 (we weren't ever on 9.0, but I think it was available back on 8.12). I believe you can only paste 2000 rows at a time, but maybe you could use an Advanced/Enhanced Query (if that is available on 9.0) to limit to less than 2000 records at a time.
If you have a list of the MCUs and what the RP23 will become, then just create a workfile and upload all that MCU - RP23 data in the workfile.

Then create a UBE to read through the F0006 and for every MCU value, go off to your new workfile to get the new RP23

Or do it in SQL (as suggested above)? I'd go for the workfile.....but back up the F0006 first