Entertaining and instructive, but I don't agree with everything I read there. Regarding the RTFM/STFW chapter, the author should think back to when he/she was a green <jobposition>, or recall his/her last visit to the Knowledge Swamp. No matter how much prelim research you do, there's nothing quite like having a conversation. Two heads are always better than one. I need this resource to speed up the learning process. My bosses aren't giving me extra time to RallTFD, so I don't consider myself lazy or selfish for asking questions that others might consider elementary. My bosses and mentors don't always do as much preparation and homework as I would like.
So, I'm gonna grow thicker skin to take the flack for asking dumb questions, and keep asking them. Someday I will have the opportunity to be the answer person.
A little humility would do everyone a lot of good.