Hard copy check not showing in "Accounts Payable, Matching Document" (F0413)

Frosty the Coder

Legendary Poster
Hard copy check not showing in "Accounts Payable, Matching Document" (F0413)

We have a voucher that was selected for payment a week ago.

I can this voucher on report R04570, "Payment Group Edit Report".
It shows the correct vendor, voucher, and $ amount.
This was generated early morning, on June 17.

I can see the check, paying this voucher, in S04572.
The vendor and $ amount are correct.
This happened around noon on the 17th.

In the DATA
F0411 shows the voucher as OPEN, w/both amount gross and amt open showing the correct $ amount and a pay status of "A".

Neither the check nor the voucher show in F0413 nor F0414, which they should during/after payment processing.

Both the voucher, and the check, show in F0911. The check's j/e states "voided payment".
(Though a "voided payment" should be in F0413 with a non-zero "void date")

I am at a loss as to how spools/hard-copy could have happened, but not have data in F0413 to match.

Have any other JDEListers seen a case of "hard copy check"; "not in F0413, but in F0911"?
