E9.2 Grid format translation




Do anyone know if there is a possibility to translate the modifications made on coloumn header labels in a Grid Format UDO.

Scenario I should like an advanced user to do is :
  • design a grid format , changing the column-header text in the grid format
  • translating the column header text of the grid format in different languages
  • publish the grid format
  • all the users having as result the grid format displayed in their own lnaguage
Is it possible to do that, or is there another solutiokn to do it ? I have tried to find out but I didn't get through. I imagine some vocabulary overrides can help, but I think there are some limitations about it :
- vocabulary overrides is not something that can be managed by the user itself (it is no a UDO)
- grid format can be applied on columns that are added by form extensions, I am not sure vocabulary overrides can.

(Note : my current tools release is

Kind Regards,
Hi Bruno,

From what I could find, it is not possible to do the translations in the UDO. There is an enhancement listed on Oracle support with a status of Approved for User Group Voting. My only suggestion would be to create a new format for each language. You could create security groups by language so that users would only see formats available in their language.
