E9.2 Font Size and Field Height & Width for Specific Application Field


Well Known Member
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for reading. I am facing a tricky scenario.

1) Font Size: We have a LOT No (LOTN) field on the screen. This field is not on Grid but Header part. The user scans / writes the data in this field. Client is requesting to change the font size to 20 specifically for this field. I tried using Set Edit Control and pick up font and size of Font. However the changes are not reflected. I dont want to change the font for all using P98980 - Font Override by Language.

Any specific event i should use this ? I tried it in Exit Control Changed Inline, Post Dialogue Initialized

2) I want to make the input field for LOTN large then normal size. However on FDA screen the field looks big (Height 27 and Widht 89). However on Web it comes back to normal size. Can we change this or any work around.

Am i missing something. Never did this in application. Appreciate your help.

Hiten Shah

Please check this Doc ID 2076329.1. Some one tried to do same and failed.
This is reported as bug for enhancement BUG:10955775 - SET EDIT CONTROL FONT SYSTEM F - SAR: 8439114
Not sure if it will work for your case , but what if the user enters into a normal FC field and then you can add a text block control in your form and add a segment , the segment ID will be 1 . Once the user enters the lotN in the input field , take the FC value in Post dia and use the system function update segment , pass the segment id as 1 and update the text in text block control and in text block control you can make it clickable and choose font size color and things , we do something similar . Hope this helps
Hi everyone,

I'm going through something similar, we were moving towards using exactly what @jdedwardsuser talked about.

But using HTML in the text block control we were able to put a field where the user can already inform the content in the format (font and color) that we would like without using an FC to intermediate the process, the main point is, I can capture the input that the user made in the text control block?

We use this code to create a field in text block:

[<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" style="font-size: 20px;">]

I've been stuck on this for a few days now.