Fixed Assets - Creating User Defined Depreciation rules

Pete Cusack

I am using JDE 8.11 SP1 Tools release 8.97

Could you please let me know how to create depreciation rules for a useful life of 24, 48, 72 and 108 months using straight line method.

We have depreciation rules with 36, 60, 84, 120, 144, 180, 240 and 480 months with a depreciation method = 01 and compute direction = C. These are the default ones that JDE provides.

I have tried to copy the entry for 120 months and make it 36 months but when I enter depreciation method = 01 an error message appears saying "Numeric Depreciation Method Not Allowed".

If you know how to do this, I would be very appreciative if you can let me know
What we usually do is select a similar rule with the next higher Life Months and copy it. While editing the new rule, we change the description and life months to the new values. Has not failed us yet and I have done a couple dozen due to weird life months needed.