E9.2 Display JDE Report in Website/Html page?


Hello All,
For one client we are redeveloping their existing RPG/CL programs to JDE E1 objects.
Currently RPG report is displaying it's output to a website/HTML page..
Is it possible that JDE report can also do the same?

Praveen, the simple answer is yes, JDE reports can be made available for viewing with a web browser when generated by the JDE Universal Batch Engine (UBE). The solution complexity will depend on 1) if the reports are being generated on a schedule or are submitted interactively by the user, and 2) if they need to be available by multiple users or just by the submitting user. The easiest solution is for interactive reports, where the submitting user can select and retrieve them with their Submitted Jobs page. For scheduled jobs or for publishing interactive jobs to a sharable location, you can configure the BI Publisher utility to distribute or print them as needed.
There are also numerous third party solutions available.
Good luck, Kim