Hello JDE List Community,
I am currently facing related to the creation of sales orders using Orchestrator.
I have successfully managed to create multi-line sales orders by following the guidelines provided in a below link. However, I am now faced with a new requirement - creating sales orders with configured items.
I am unsure of the correct process and steps to follow in order to fulfill this requirement. I am hoping that someone in this knowledgeable community might be able to provide me with detailed instructions or point me towards any relevant resources that could guide me through this process.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. .
Reference Link:
Oracle Support Document 2779029.1 (E1: ORCH: How to Create Multiple Sales Orders With Multiple SO Lines By Sending a Multiple JSON Array Orchestration Input ( Object )) can be found at: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=2779029.1
Creating an Orchestration to Enter Sales Orders in EnterpriseOne (oracle.com)
I am currently facing related to the creation of sales orders using Orchestrator.
I have successfully managed to create multi-line sales orders by following the guidelines provided in a below link. However, I am now faced with a new requirement - creating sales orders with configured items.
I am unsure of the correct process and steps to follow in order to fulfill this requirement. I am hoping that someone in this knowledgeable community might be able to provide me with detailed instructions or point me towards any relevant resources that could guide me through this process.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. .
Reference Link:
Oracle Support Document 2779029.1 (E1: ORCH: How to Create Multiple Sales Orders With Multiple SO Lines By Sending a Multiple JSON Array Orchestration Input ( Object )) can be found at: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=2779029.1
Creating an Orchestration to Enter Sales Orders in EnterpriseOne (oracle.com)