Changing business unit on a voided journal entry


Reputable Poster
We are on E1 9.0, tools,

A user is trying to void a Journal entry from a couple of months ago. In Journal Entry Revisions they choose the option to void a posted journal entry from February. They try to post but one or more of the business units referenced has been closed (posting edit code set to No). They would like to change the business unit on some of these entries but even though Journal Entry Revisions lets you into the cell and appears to let you change the business unit (and account), there is no save button.

Has anyone else run into this. Is there some way you can change the business unit on a void entry that is not yet posted. It appears the system does not allow this.

Unfortunately, you will need to change the edit code to the original business unit to allow posting, void the entry, post it, and change the business unit posting edit code back to "N".