Address Book Security for Mailing Name by Search Type


Well Known Member
For certain Address Book Search Types, I want the user to be able to change the record's Mailing Information. However, for other Address Book Search Types, I want them to have view access to the Mailing Information, but no ability to change.

Since the Mailing Information is in the F0111 which does not contain Search Type, AT1, I cannot use Row Security to achieve this.

Any thoughts/workarounds?

Would you be able to modify the Who's Who application to look up the search type when it is initialized, then look up the row security record for the logged in user to determine what the access should be? Then you could disable/enable the controls accordingly.


Would it not be simpler to implement the security linked to the Mailing
Line Type and use Business Rules to ensure that the Search Type and
Mailing Line Type are used in conjunction with each other?


Colleen B
Re: RE: Address Book Security for Mailing Name by Search Type

Both options would work it is just for you have to weigh the pros and cons of either approach.
Bob and Colleen, thanks for your inputs. Both solutions are good. We are trying to avoid any modifications, so I think using Colleen's suggestion of using another field in the F0111 that is consistent with the Search Type would be preferable, assuming we can get the user community to follow the Business Rules.
I did a security config similar to Colleen's suggestion, wherein we created a batch job to write the Search Type from the F0101 to the F0111 Zip+4 field, then applied row security to that field. This ensures that security on the F0111 is based on the search type in the F0101, without modifying base applications.

Most people I know who are tracking Zip+4 codes are including them in the Zip Code field anyway, so this in effect is a dead field in the table.