Address Book and AP Question


Active Member
We need to import Accounts Payable data from an external system into JD Edwards and this is done on a nightly basis.

I know there is a Batch Processor Program you can use to do this. However, the main problem is that the individuals that need to be paid don't exist in the Address Book. So I would need to be able to automatically add the new payees to the Address Book and then retrieve their new Address Book Number, so it can be used in F0411z1 and F0911Z1.

Currently, this process is written in RPG, runs every night and the programmer is directly inserting records into JD Edwards Production tables (F0101 and other tables), getting the Next Number and then using the AP Batch Processor. I personally don't like inserting information directly into JD Edwards, but not sure there are other options.

What is the view of the JD Edwards community for directly creating Address Book entries through code (RPG, .Net etc etc)?

Is there a way I can use the Address Book Batch Processor in conjunctions with the AP Batch Processor to accomplish this task?
You can use the Address Book Batch Upload Program (R01010Z). This will load address book information only. The supplier master information has to be populated in F0401Z1 and the Supplier Master Batch Upload program (R04010Z) run. The gotcha for R04010Z is that the address book number created by R01010Z must be in F0401Z1. So you would not be able to populate F0401Z1 until after you had uploaded from F0101Z2 and knew the address book numbers created by R01010Z.

Depending which information is needed in the Who's Who tables, you might also need to populate F0111Z1 and run the Who's Who Batch Upload Program (R01110Z) as well. The Address Book number from F0101 must again be in the batch input table.

Once you have created the address book and supplier master records, then you can use them on the supplier invoices that you are uploading into F0411Z1 and F0911Z1.

Yeah, I figured that was the case. Unfortunately, I don't believe this is the best solution for our particular process.

I am assuming E1 doesn't have a Web Service that you can pass values to a Web Method, have it create a new Address Book Entry and then have it return the new Address Book Number?

I may have to mimic the RPG program and insert entries directly into the Address Book.

I will look at other options before doing this.
To answer your question "What is the view of the JD Edwards community for directly creating Address Book entries through code (RPG, .Net etc etc)?"

I don't like it. It's cleaner/safer to use the z file processes when you can. There are validations that take place that can save you a ton of heartache dealing with data integrity issues. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to review change history for as long as you keep records in the z file. The shop I currently work at interfaces a great deal on address, CM, and supplier data through the z files. The history has been a valuable tool in reviewing data change issues.
I agree, I don't like it either, but for our process, I don't think it is the best solution, unless I am misunderstanding something.

Here is my understanding:

1. I would have to import the new Address Book Entries into the Address Book Z table (F0101Z1) with my External Software, which isn't hard.

2. An end user would then have to manually run the Address Book Batch Process Program.

3. The end user would then have to go to the Address Book and get the new Address Book Numbers and input them into my External Software that will be used to import the Vouchers.

4. Then my Software would then import the Vouchers into the F0411Z1 and F0911Z1 and then the end user would then run the AP Voucher Batch Processor.

These external vouchers (Utility Billing Refunds as I work for a City) occur every night and there are quite a few of them and the process needs to be automated and the above just has too much manual steps involed.