third party tools

  1. E9.2 Orchestrator history table

    Hello, we espose a service in order to make a data-transfer with a thirdy part supplier. We develop this with orchestrator jde. I would like to read when the thirdy part supplier calls the orchestrator and what is the input done. Is there a table in which are stored this information? Thankyou...
  2. E9.2 DSI/MEP German Language

    Hi All, We are going live in Germany and apparently German is not one of the 6 languages that DSI provides out of the box. I was wondering if anyone here is already in Germany and have translated the required XML file to German language. And if you will be willing to share the same? Or if you...
  3. SSN Validation third party plug in

    One of my clients is looking for SSN validation solution. They want to verify that SSN provided in AB record is correct/existing SSN. Are there any third party solutions available for this? or can this be done by JDE business functions. We are already using bsfns to validate and scrub 9 digit...