
  1. jdecoder

    E9.2 Show Content from generic URL on a Power form

    Now Since Cafe one does not support Power forms. Oracle Support Bug 21813719 (SUPPORT OF POWER BROWSE PB FORM IN CAFE1) can be found at: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/BugDisplay?id=21813719 Let me ask can we have a portlet or a sub form in the Power form where I can render content...
  2. Close all open forms within an application

    Hi All, Does anyone know of a way to close all open forms (all powerforms) within an application. Backstory: I have a landing form and then a row exit, which opens to another form with all the information in form controls. From there the user pushes the submit button and the program brings...
  3. Rotate a Chart Control in EnterpriseOne

    Hi All, I am currently developing PowerForms in EnterpriseOne that have Chart Controls on them. The process of creating the forms has so far been very straightforward. In one of my forms I have created a Stacked Bar graph that renders perfectly but I would like to rotate the graph so that...