jde 8.12

  1. E8.12 Job never ends

    We had a disk drive failure were on an old 400 model e4a. The drive was replaced but there is one job that refuses to stop. We end the subsystem but this job does not end. It's jdee812 and there's two under it, jdenet_k. Do you know how one would stop these two jobs?
  2. E8.12 JDE 8.12 Macro Tool connection

    Hello, Everyone. :) I hope this message finds you well. I am new to this community and eager to expand my knowledge in automation. Currently, I am working with a JDE 8.12 system, and I have a specific report (R5703B802) that I would like to automate using a VBA macro tool in Microsoft Excel...
  3. Rauf

    E8.12 Show paragraphs in RDA print

    What is the best way to show paragraphs in report print out. This is to print a lengthy contract. These paragraphs some times having dynamic fields which can be inserted between paragraph lines controlled thru settings saved in the database. For example: The contract is issued on [date]...
  4. JDE 8.0 SP24 with Citrix 4.5 and AS400 V7R4

    Hi, We are currently using JDE 8.0 SP24 with AS400 V7R1 and Citrix 4.5. Would like to know if anyone has worked or know if the AS400 V7R3 or V7R4 will work with same release of JDE8.0 and Citrix 4.5 Thank you in advance.
  5. E8.12 F43121 as of data balance

    Hi! I would like to ask if its possible to download the list of open GR data in table f43121 as of December 31, 2021? Because if the GR has been matched, the column "Type - match record type" will change, and I dont know what to put instead on the SQL code.
  6. Rauf

    E8.12 Change purchase order (P4310) after partial receipt

    I have a purchase order with quantity 2020 pieces. We have received and created receipt for 2012 pieces. For the remaining 8 pieces, the supplier informed they cannot deliver so they will issue credit note. What is the best way to change the order quantity from 2020 to 2012. One way is to...
  7. Rauf

    XE Xe and 8.12/8.96.40 - Solution Explorer

    We are using 8.12 with Tools Release 8.96.40. We are running an instance of Xe, loaded by Citrix. I did not develop any report or application in Xe. Please let me know if the procedure for developing a report in Xe is same as 8.12 ?
  8. E8.12 JDE 8.12 Job Number Finder

    Hello! We are using JDE 8.12, we are trying to get a copy or print a pdf copy the JE posting of other users. (General Legder Post) We only have the Batch Number and Document Number available. Would it be possible to get the Job Order Number based on the batch number / doc number, so we can use...
  9. Rauf

    E8.12 P98616 - Printer Application - Paper size in Fat Client

    One of report output PDF's paper size is A4 while printing from server. But while printing from fat client, it is LETTER. I used the application P98616 - Printer Application to make the default paper size of fat client printer to A4. But the report is still generating as LETTER. I have tried...
  10. Rauf

    E8.12 Generate XML, QR Code, and call .exe in JDE TR 8.96.40

    What is the capability of JDE Tools Release 8.96.40 regarding the below. 1. Generate XML file ( for example, one invoice has to be sent to customer in XML format) 2. Generate QR code in PDF out put file ( 8.96.40 has no components of BI Publisher) 3. Send and receive external emails ( not...
  11. Rauf

    Charts in JDE Forms using JavaScript in JDE E1 8.12 TR 8.96.40

    We have to stick with our current version of JDE, but it does not supports charts. And higher management is looking for some alternatives. I have worked with Fusion Charts in Microsoft ASP.NET applications and it seemed great. It will just use some JavaScript to draw the charts in web browser...
  12. Rauf

    Deployment in 8.12 and 9.1

    I know how to do deployment in 8.12, TR 8.96.40. Is there any change in the steps if I do deployment in 9.10 ?
  13. Crystal Reports 2013/16 crashes trying to use XI R2 reports w/ JDE connection

    Is anyone out there using SAP's Crystal Reports 2013/2016 with included JD Edwards connection type reporting? We have XI R2 reports that work with the (then) Business Objects connection type and necessary E1 .jar files. However 2013/16 crashes when trying to open these reports. Also, I can...
  14. Rauf

    Retrieve information from the JDE data base using SMS

    I would like to retrieve information from the data base using SMS(short message service). What are the components of the system ? If the subject is broad, please comment about the major components. For example, using a registered mobile number, an employee can query the his information. To know...
  15. Rauf

    Restore overwritten UDC values

    By mistake, I promoted a UDC from DV to PD, where the UDC of DV is an old one. So the UDC of PD is over written. Is there anyway to get the UDC of PD back ?
  16. Brazilian Localisation - ICMS/IPI rows on F0911 with subledger (using project budget)

    Brazilian Localization - ICMS/IPI rows on F0911 with subledger (using project budget) Hi, We are facing the following scenario: We are using the budget control in order to identify when the purchases has been reached the budget setup properly. This control is working fine. However, we are...
  17. Rauf

    Benefits for employees: Should it be in HCM or in Asset Management ?

    My company is to log all details of employees who is having laptop, mobile phone, car etc. These are the benefits for employees. Is JDE 8.12 is having modules to manage these details. Is it come in Asset management or in Human Capital Management ?
  18. Rauf

    Talent Management in JD Edwards 8.12

    Can I have guess the Talent Management is exist in JD Edwards 8.12 or should I create custom module for it ? Please have a look at the following case, I just want the following, - Yearly, employees need to fill a form to rate himself/herself on two categories, a. Performance 1. Criteria 1 (1 to...
  19. Rauf

    Standard Address Book B.F. v/s Insert or Update operation to update Address Book info

    I need to customize the address book application as per one of my client's requirement. I started from a scratch application and reached in doubt: Should I use the standard business functions to add/update address, phone numbers, emails etc ? I opened the standard applications like...
  20. Rauf

    More details in Supplemental Data

    What is the best way to add more details in Supplemental Data table. I used RMK, RMK2, RMK3 already. Now, I need to store one more text data. For example, Employee/Education Supplemental Data I used RMK for Degree Name RMK2 for University RMK3 for Country (of University) Now I need to store...