
  1. SubSection Join on F42119

    Hi List, I have a requirement to where the UBE Driver section business view is a join of F4211 and F4102. Since the F4211 purging on Sales Update is activated now and completed orders will now be moved to F42119, it needs a business view of F4211, F42119 and F4102. Union of F4211 and F42119...
  2. AnilKumar9

    Insert Detail all Lines into F4211 using business function.

    Identifying Index for custom Table. Hello All, I'm new to Business function please let me know how to find index for custom table. For Example for F0901 i could see index as :ID_F0901_ACCOUNT_ID ,in the similar way how could i come to know for Custom tables? My Custom Table key is on...
  3. F42119 - need ObjAcct and SubAcct!

    Hello JDE Gurus! I need to extract data from the F42119 table and include the OBJACCT and SUBACCT fields as well. Basically I am trying to take detailed sales ledger data + the GL accounts where this data was posted. Right now I am trying to get that GL accounts from the F0911 table but my...