confirm shipment

  1. E9.1 P4205 - Shipment drops from order when over shipping

    Hi Experts.. We have an issue with Shipment confirmation APP P4205, when the user over ships, the shipment number drops from the order, then the freight update UBE R4981 won't work because the shipment number is missing. We have the P4205 processing options set to allow over shipment, but we...
  2. Error When Confirm Shipment Through a BSSV

    Hi Dears, i need your help in my issue when i consume a custom BSSV that created to Confirm Shipment by calling a BSFN (ND3N4205:dcLINK Shipment Confirmation) ,its return the following error when i test it from SOAPUI after deploy it locally on my machine: <env:Envelope...
  3. Need your help on using B4200310 BSFN

    Hi all, need your advice on using the BSFN B4200310 Begin Doc Edit Line End Doc I had filled each required fields in those business function, and put cCMDocAction as C (Change), and i wish to update F4211.LOTN, F4211.LOCN and F4211.SOQS. But it didn't update anything except update in F4201...