as400 a8.3 v5r4 to v7r1

  1. E9.2 E1 on as400 changes, decimal separator

    hi every one: I have JDE E1 9.2 on AS400, and I have an error where jde tries to insert or update some table. Example: UPDATE CRPDTA/F41021 SET...
  2. JDE 8.0 SP24 with Citrix 4.5 and AS400 V7R4

    Hi, We are currently using JDE 8.0 SP24 with AS400 V7R1 and Citrix 4.5. Would like to know if anyone has worked or know if the AS400 V7R3 or V7R4 will work with same release of JDE8.0 and Citrix 4.5 Thank you in advance.
  3. Upgrade A8.3 on V5R4 to same instance (A8.3) on V7R1

    Hello, I have a client who is running JDE A83 on AS400 V5R4 and want to migrate to V7R1. They are out of maintenance contract with Oracle and therefore cannot use the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to perform this upgrade. Has anyone done this migration before ? Appreciate if you can share any...