advanced pricing

  1. E9.1 Purchase Pricing based on aggregated volume received

    HI, We have a situation where we need to pay suppliers based on volume breaks over the life of a contract. E.g. We have an agreement where a supplier will supply 6000 Tonnes of bulk item over a periord of time (usually 1 year but sometimes longer) For the first 2000T we will pay £X/T For the...
  2. E9.2 Is there a Repricing Programs for Service Work Orders?

    Hello, I understand there is a Repricing Program for Sales Orders. In theory (I'm not familiar to this program), this report(s) would recalculate the items in a Sales Order in the case I adjust the Price Adjustment rules (e.g. I change the Prc. Adj. multiplier value). I'm looking for the same...
  3. ybuffetaud

    E9.1 Order level adjustement withe sales order line group

    Hi is this possible to create an order adjustement based on sales detail file specific? I nedd to add a charge if the customer order by EDI. In cas of EDI order the customer will have a dedicated ROUT code and a dedicated order type : ROUT = AEL, DCTO = S1 SO if want to create an adjustement for...
  4. E9.2 JDE integrated with Unit Configurator?

    Hi all, Hoping someone has found a solution for the issue I'm dealing with. I'm a JDE newbie, so any help is appreciated. My company sells P&A as well as complex units - these are often sold in a custom configuration and require some attention from our engineering team to put together. So no...
  5. ksgarza

    E9.2 Advanced Pricing- Buy 1 get 1 Half Price

    I'm trying to figure out a way to handle this pricing request in Advanced Pricing. They want to offer a promotion where if you buy 1 of an item, you can purchase a second one for half price. This scenario would repeat for each 1 they buy. A purchase of 10 would be 5 at full price and 5 at...
  6. E9.1 How to setup free goods by item group

    Hi there, I got the following scenario where I would like to use JDE advanced pricing: Setup a line level adjustment based on advanced item group on SRP2 called ABC. Let's say that we have 10 items that have SRP2=ABC: ITEM1 ABC ITEM2 ABC ITEM3 ABC ITEM4 ABC ITEM5 ABC ITEM6...
  7. Advance Pricing - Basis Code 8 - Custom Program

    Hi, I am trying to create a custom program to get price adjustment from a custom program based on F4211.SDVEND & F4211.SDSHAN fields, but the pointer to F4211 does not have value for SDVEND field and it does have values for other fields (like SDCARS, SDITWT, etc) from F4211 Cache when I...
  8. Basic Code 8 advanced pricing business function

    Hi all, As per Oracles instructions and other threads on here to use P4072 ‘Object Library’ (stored in F4072.ADFRMN) to specify a custom business function we must use the data structure D4500210. This data structure passes into the function “idF4211RowPtr” which is a pointer to the F4211 record...
  9. Advanced pricing

    I would like to use Advanced pricing to block or prevent the sale of certain items for all the Customer. these items are not obsolete, this is why i would like to know if it possible to use advanvced pricing setup to block, if i uses these item on the sales order , the system will block or...
  10. Multiple customer and item groupings in advanced pricing

    Hello Forum, My migration customer has multiple customer and item groupings in their legacy system. They are migrating to JDE 9.2.and will be using Advanced Pricing. Is there a way to map these groupings into JDE? For example, customer group A has customers 1, 2 and 3. Customer group B has...
  11. EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing for Basket Level and Line level adjustments

    Hello All, Client is selling Bat and Ball. When sold together it has a discount of 10% on Bat and 15% on Ball. The same bat when bought in bulk like 5,10, 20, 25 etc, It has a different pricing. I could do basket pricing and tier-based pricing. but when basket level is applied, It also applies...
  12. performance issue with advance pricing BSSV (Custome)

    Hello, We need to develop BSSV which will retrieve advance pricing for given number of item .In our case we may pass thousands of item at a time. to improve performance ,i will write code in NER and call this NER via BSSV but still it will take lot of time to perform calculation . Is there any...
  13. Advanced Pricing - Adjustment based on formula

    Hi All! Advanced pricing is on and we've used for years. I'm trying to create an item level pricing adjustment which is based on the XM cost bucket in the F30026. The SDURAT field in F4211 has been correctly mapped to the value I'm wanting out of F30026 as I'm seeing it in the data browser...