
  1. E9.2 Why R42800 write Inventory AAI 4240 and Revenue AAI 4230 as Credit.

    Hi, Can someone please explain why R42800 write Inventory AAI 4240 and Revenue AAI 4230 as Credit. Here is my understanding. When a sales order is created, inventory goes out so the monetary value in that account reduces. But revenue adds monetary value to the account. Why both are in credit ?
  2. E9.2 jde 9.2 aai 4335

    Hi All i can set up the AAI 4310 With the cost type see below but impossible on the aai 4335, the area cost type is not available :( :( Do you know a trick to book for differences by cost type? enable setup? Thank you in advance for your help Nathalie
  3. DMAAI - One Document Type - Multiple Accounts

    Is it possible to have a single Document Type (e.g. Inventory Adjustment - "IA") post to multiple Cost Objects? For Example - we have DMAAI - 4122/Inventory - for Document Type "IA" post to Object Account "12511 - Finished Goods" In addition to posting to 12511, the business would like another...