E9.0 TAM locks - Too many open files for this process.



Well Known Member

We have one custom subsystem and this runs fine for some hours and stops processing after some time. In the debug logs, we see Error opening data file "/PY900/specfile/dddict.ddb" Too many open files for this process. I see these in business functions, for ex "B90CA184 - GetTerritoryDesc". We also saw these errors in custom function created to call the API to add Subsystem Record in to F986113.

To overcome this issue, we are trying to end and start subsystem everyday. I am sure there may be a better way to handle this issue instead of ending and starting the subsystem everyday.

jdetama.c473 - JDETAMA:exited INTLockTam with pTamLock:[SPP:0000 :0000 :0:9:12],pTamLock->hIPCTamLock:[SPP:0000 :0000 :0:a:12], type:1, numReaders=1.
jdetamio.c285 - TAM: tamfopen /PY900/specfile/dddict.ddb error 3452-Std C errno=3452 : Too many open files for this process.
jdetamio.c285 - TAM: tamfopen /PY900/specfile/dddict.ddb error 3452-Std C errno=3452 : Too many open files for this process.
jdetamio.c285 - TAM: tamfopen /PY900/specfile/dddict.ddb error 3452-Std C errno=3452 : Too many open files for this process.
jdetamio.c1472 - TAMInitX (/PY900/specfile/dddict.xdb): Error opening data file "/PY900/specfile/dddict.ddb" : Std C errno=3452 : Too many open files for this process.
jdetama.c484 - JDETAMA:entering INTUnlockTam with pTamLock:[SPP:0000 :0000 :0:9:12],pTamLock->hIPCTamLock:[SPP:0000 :0000 :0:a:12],pTamLock->szLockName:/PY900/specfile/dddict.ddb
jdetama.c488 - JDETAMA:entering INTUnlockTam nReaders 1
jdetama.c510 - UNLOCK: Total READ locks after operation: 0
jdetama.c511 - JDETAMA:exited INTUNLockTam with pTamLock:[SPP:0000 :0000 :0:9:12].
jdetama.c650 - JDESPEC0000027 - TAM init failed!
SpecOpen.c1584 - SpecEncapsulation : Close completed.
SpecOpen.c2632 - SpecEncapsulation : jdeSpecOpenLocal completed in error - JDESPECRESULT_FAILED.
SpecOpen.c2633 - jdeSpecOpenLocal completed in error - JDESPECRESULT_FAILED.

Thank you.
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