E9.2 Advanced Pricing - Basis Code 8

Peter Weiler

Okay I have read all previous threads on this,,,, still need some help.

I have my custom BF working - NER to pass back a simple value for my price using basic code 8 - just to prove to myself that it works.
Now I need to call custom logic using more fields from cache

  • Does B4200210 - Get Item and Pricing Information get cache or just F4211 data ?
  • My logic just needs to read some custom tables to get the starting base price - using itm/mcu/an8 etc
  • If B4200210 does not work, is there a standard JDE BF that will return what I need ?
  • I ASSUME the pointer D4500210 is the cache pointer that
I'd prefer not to have to write C code, just use a BF to retrieve values from cache
Any help will be greatly appreciated, one i get my base price standard adjustments will do the rest