transaction processing

  1. E9.2 Power Edit form and transaction management, are tableIO statements working in transaction within an APPL ?

    Hi forum, in a custom "Power Edit Form" (see OK button under transaction) I'm succesfully using standard BSFN B4200450.AdvancedSODetailLineSplit which is splitting an existing F4211 line. For example: I'm assigning lot A, B and C to a single F4211 line with quantity 3. While doing this kind of...
  2. jdecoder

    Need to collect errors in a thread.

    Here is the deal guys. I have some multiple foreign tables that need to insert / update and I am using TC to get this done. Now if there is an error it should be all or none. I was not able to put a transaction boundary around the individual TCs. Now I can write a fancy C BSFN to load the table...